
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Healthier options for Hostess or Holidays Giving for friends, family, and neighbors

Canned foods
 I heard a sweet story of someone bringing a bottle of canned cherries. (which I love) To a family after their mother died. It has been years since this event happened, but it still is a very clear memory for him. It was a very thoughtful gesture that reminded him of sweet family times. Every time I hear him tell the story it gives me a warm feeling
 If you have canned goods  you want to share this is a very thoughtful gift. That would mean a lot to those who receive them.

Apple Topping
Here is where you can find a recipe for cooked apples. That would be a great gift to give away. It is wonderful to eat plain. Would be great on pancakes or waffles or in muffins. There are lots of options. You could can them or just put them in containers that go in the fridge. 

Candied Nuts
Here is a fun idea. Giving your neighbor some candied or smoked nuts. You could also just give them plain nuts with nothing done to them. Nuts are always a treat in my book. They are a great thing to eat and to share.    

Homemade Fruit Topping or Jam
Here is a recipe for a healthier fruit topping or jam.You could use any kind of fruit. You could also can it if you don't want to make it a freezer jam. I used to love to go to my aunts she always had yummy freezer jams for breakfast. Foods can bring back so many fond memories.     

Homemade Granola
Here is a  yummy granola recipe. It would be a fun treat to package up and give away. A lot of people never make it. It could be eaten plain or in yummy parfaits. Some other granola options: raw granola   maple almond whole grain granola       
 and soaked granola.

Also mulling spices is fun too.

It is fun to think of fun healthy options to give to friends, family and neighbors. There are so many unhealthy options during the holidays it is nice to finds some healthy ones to share.  We can make the world a healthier place. Happy giving.

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