Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Favorite Snack

Click here if you missed Monday's post on Kamut, the wonderful organic grain. I noticed it didn't show up in my reader, so it may not have in yours.

Britney here! My mom asked me if I'd post today, so I decided to tell you about one of our family's favorite snacks--Edamame.

It's not actually a vegetable, though I think we would like to think of it as one, since it's our favorite green food. It's actually a young soybean, picked before it was completely ripe. And of course, it's amazingly healthy, containing high levels of carbs, protein, dietary fiber, omega fatty acids, folic acid, manganese and vitamin K. Awesome, huh?

If you haven't tried edamame yet, don't be intimidated by it. If I hadn't been introduced to it by a friend, I don't think I would have tried it yet, but it's actually a very easy food to cook right, since there isn't much to it. We buy precooked edamame in the frozen foods section at the grocery store, which means all we have to do is put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes, add some salt, and we have a perfect dish. You can also find it raw, which means you will have to boil it for about 3 minutes.

Edamame is usually available both in the pods or shelled. If I'm adding them to a dish such as a stir fry, I prefer them shelled, but for just snacking, I like to pop them out of the pods as I'm eating them--straight from the shell into my mouth. Wouldn't your kids just love that too?


image from here

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