
Monday, May 9, 2011

Parmesan Popcorn

I hope that you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. I love Mother's Day! My husband and children fix an amazing dinner. The best part is the love that goes into it. It is a happy time. I got to be with all of my children except for one. I loved a wonderful phone call from her. :) I LOVE being a Mom! It is a wonderful part of my life.

Popcorn reminds me of Spring. We sing a wonderful song. "Popcorn popping on the apricot trees." My grandson loves it and so do I. Popcorn can be a great treat if you put the right ingredients on it. Hear is another recipe we love.

My daughter said this recipe tastes like bread sticks. :) It is a lot faster to make than bread sticks.


8 C freshly air popped popcorn
1/8 C grated parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried parsley
1/4 tsp dill weed
3 to 4 T olive oil
pinch of salt and pepper to taste


1. Pour Popcorn in bowl.

2. In a small bowl pour in spices and cheese. Stir until all combined.

3. Drizzle the oil on to the popcorn. Start out slow you can always add more. Toss to get the oil on the popcorn.

4. Sprinkle cheese mixture over the popcorn and toss a couple time. Add salt and pepper to your preference.

Now all you need is a good movie. =) Enjoy!


  1. That sounds yummy! Gotta get us an air popper!

  2. Air Poppers are wonderful! Fast cleanup too! :)
