
Friday, February 21, 2014

Raspberry Orange Ginger Swirl

Recipe Redux this month is spotlighting beverages. Have you been noticing a lot of drinks popping up in your Pinterest feed? Well, you want to add this one, too. Just as the name suggests, it's a lovely mix of frozen raspberries, oranges, and just a bit of ginger. It tastes like sunlight in the middle of winter.

Even my baby couldn't get enough of it. See?

Ingredients (serves 2)
1 1/2 C fresh orange juice
2 frozen bananas
1/4 tsp ginger
1 C frozen raspberries
1/2 C water

1. Blend together orange juice, bananas, and ginger. Pour into a small pitcher or liquid measuring cup.
2. Next, blend the raspberries and water together. (You don't have to clean out the blender prior to mixing.)
3. Pour some of the orange mixture into the two cups you'll be serving it in, until they are a little over half full. Pour the raspberry mixture evenly into both.
4. Pour the remaining orange mixture in the cups. Use a shish kebab stick (or whatever you have on hand) to gently blend the two together so the raspberry mixture shows through the sides of the cup. Serve immediately.
 You can also try this Mango Blueberry Swirl.


  1. What is ReDux anyway? Just curious because when I read that at the end of your blog I have no idea what it is talking about.

    Do you think it would be good without the ginger?

    1. Redux is a group focused on making foods healthier. Leaving the ginger out it would still be delicious.

  2. I love every ingredient in this (and that photos of your son downing it in his sippy cup- priceless!)

  3. Everyone and their incorporation of ginger this month! I am loving it! I paired a ginger cocktail with the pistachio pairing and it was delicious. Ginger makes any drink special!

    xoxo Sarah Grace, Fresh Fit N Healthy.

  4. This looks seriously delicious! And such a great way to add fruit to the day.
