
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Healthy Raw Bite Size Raspberry Bars

Like I have mentioned here before. I love raspberry. I have been eating them fresh and they are wonderful. It is nice to eat them all year long thanks to being able to put them in the freezer. So I recently saw a recipe of raspberry bars posted that looked delicious, but I thought I could cut the calories, and maybe get a similar taste. So I cut out all the butter and sugar.This is what I came up with. I hope you enjoy them, and enjoy the fact that you are eating less calories too. :) Would love to hear how you enjoy eating raspberries?

1/2 C almonds
3 T coconut oil
1 to 1 1/2 T honey (depending on your desired sweetness)
1 C unsweetened coconut flakes
1 C old fashioned oatmeal
1 tsp almond extract or vanilla
3 T raspberry preserves (I blend up raspberries and add a little honey)       
unsweetened shredded coconut to roll them in

1.Blend in the blender the nuts till the mixture is a fine mixture.
2. Blend in the honey and oil. Till all combined.
3. Blend in the coconut, oatmeal, almond extract or vanilla. Blend till all combined
4. Fold in the raspberries, and then roll them into balls.
5. Roll into shredded coconut. (*variation you could roll in powdered sugar before the coconut) They are that easy and you didn't have to heat up your kitchen. :)
6. Store in airtight container in the fridge. 


  1. These are so pretty! They remind me of donut holes (but a lot healthier)

  2. Nice blog! Thanks for sharing. Good to know about Rawbite from this blog.
