
Monday, June 24, 2013

Ideas on how to eat fruits and vegetables.

I went to a gathering of women a couple weeks ago and a couple of ladies brought this amazing vegetable platter. This is what makes eating vegetables enjoyable. The presentation of them makes such a difference.

One thing that has helped me is something my sister in law shared with me from a class she went to. We are very willing to spend a couple dollars on a couple lbs in a box of crackers, chips, cereal etc... but, we should splurge on the good stuff like the fruits, and vegetables, and not feel bad when we pay a little more for it. It will fill us up longer is better for us. So go to the fruit, and vegetable section and look for some new ones and don't be afraid to spend a little splurge on a really yummy fruit instead of a box of crackers or chips.  

The goal as I said before is to eat 5 servings a day of fruits, and vegetables shoot high and try to get in 9. I have found the more that I eat them the more that I crave them. What you eat is what you will crave. It also fills me up fast and makes me not munch on other foods as much. I think I mentioned it before, but having them cut up and ready to go in the fridge will make you and your family more likely to eat them. I have been reading the book  "Eat, drink and be healthy" Love this book a lot of great information.  Here are some ideas from it. 

1. Make an effort to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables in lots of different colors. It is easy to get in a rut and eat the same ones. Keep it mixed up.

2. Aim to eat at least one serving from each of the vegetable and fruit categories:

  • citrus fruits of all kinds
  • leafy and dark green vegetables
  • orange and yellow fruits and vegetables
  • red fruit and vegetables
  • legumes peas and beans   

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