
Friday, January 10, 2014

Guilt Free Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream (No added sugar)

Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream
Frozen Sliced Bananas
 So I have been thinking about Challenges of life that come to all of us. Yesterday I was thinking about my sweet sister in law who is dealing with her serious health challenges with such faith and strength. She is teaching the rest of us so much. I heard about a friend of my daughters who found out he had cancer, and was asking for prayers. I know challenges make us stronger, and we learn from watching others deal with their challenges. They are still tough when you are in the midst of them. It is hard to watch people we care about go through hard things.

I heard a Dad that said he would say to his daughter "just keep swimming" (from Finding Nemo). When challenges came to his daughter. He also talked about the importance of "becoming". That is what this life is all about isn't it. Who are we becoming? I want those words to resonate in my head this year and always. They are a good reminder to me to think about what I am becoming as I go through each day. I have a long way to go.  So I will "Just keep swimming."

So to help you through the challenges of life you can make this "guilt free soft serve ice cream". I woke up this morning thinking something with peanut butter and chocolate sounded really good. This is what   came up with.


1/4 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk
2 ripe bananas sliced * frozen (at least 2 hours)
1 tsp unsweetened cocoa
1 T  natural peanut butter (You could add more :)
1/2 tsp vanilla

Directions (Serves 1-2)

1. Pour into the blender, milk first, and then add the rest of the ingredients. Blend in a high powered blender or food processor may work. I had to stir it a couple time.
2. Serve soft or freeze to harden a little. Happy Weekend!

* Slices makes makes them easier to blend.

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