
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Amaranth and Oatmeal Hot Cereal with Peaches

Amaranth and Oatmeal

 I woke up to snow this morning. It hasn't melted over the grass for several weeks. We just haven't had new snow lately. It is one of those days it is nice to be home for. I enjoy snow more when I look out my window and am in my nice warm home as opposed to driving in it. 

So it was a nice day to have a nice bowl of hot cereal. It sends warmth and goodness through my body. I love throwing some fruit on top as well. The nutmeg and cinnamon were a nice addition. I have found that if I make a large amount I can store the leftovers in the fridge and it is ready to go in the morning. For a quick breakfast.  


3 C water
1 1/4 C old fashioned oatmeal 
1/4 C amaranth (You could toast it ahead for extra flavor)
frozen peaches (thawed)
cinnamon sticks and whole nutmeg (grated on top with a zester or powdered spices)
1/2 tsp honey (if desired per bowl)
almond milk  (poured over on top)


1. Boil the water on high heat.
2. Stir in the oatemeal and amranth while water is boiling. Let it boil a couple of minutes. Turn down the heat to low. Place the lid on top. Cook until it reaches your desired consistency. In about 5 to 10 min.
3. Put on your favorite toppings.  Enjoy a great way to start your day. Store the remainder in an airtight container.

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