
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Holiday Season Planning to reduce stress and add peace to your season

holiday planning
So the holiday season is here. I have some ideas that may help to make your season brighter. If you have some that have worked for you,  I would love to hear them. We celebrate Christmas at our house. I think of the "Prince of Peace" . "Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you not at the world giveth , give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid."  I like to think of the peace He brings that you can't find in the world. How ever you celebrate the season. I am all about making it a peaceful time, and getting rid of the stress. Here are some ideas I had.

1. Plan out what is important to you and your family what traditions are worth keeping. Eliminate the extra stuff that adds the extra stress. We can sometimes create are own stress by having too much on our list.
2. Then stop thinking "I have to... I need to, or I should... "Think I choose to. I am committed to. These words make you happier and not make you feel like a martyr.   
3. Stay within a budget. It shouldn't be about the amount spent on the gifts that is important. The thought behind it is the important part.  The spirit of the season is not bought at a store.
4. Reach out and give a bit of joy to someone else.
5. Breathe (Like they tell us in yoga class.) It really helps me when I feel pressure building. Just slow down.
6. Take time to exercise. Get out, and get some light outside. Even if it is cold bundle up, and go out even if its for a short time. Light and fresh air give me energy.
7. Eat right most of the time and just allow a few splurges. You will feel better. It will help your family to stay healthier too.
8. Simplify where you can. (We bought a prelit tree this year :) It is amazing and worth every penny.)
9. I find some ways to give service in our community prior to Thanksgiving. Instead of cramming everything into December. It also spreads service throughout the year. It is another great way to simplify December.
10. Get enough sleep. Sleep literally helps to detoxify your brain.
11. Spend time around small children. They help light up the season.  
12. Enjoy the season. Don't let it pass by without enjoying it.  Those around you will enjoy it more if you are happier too. :)

These ideas have helped me. One of my favorite Chistmas was when I had my fifth child on Dec. 19th. (Our 4th daughter) I had planned ahead and, enjoyed a relaxing time with my family.  I hope that it is a season of peace at your home. Tomorrow we will have ideas for hostess gifts or friend and neighbor gifts. (If this part of the season adds stress then don't add it to your list.  You can choose.)

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